
Monday, February 4, 2013

Student success statement

“It’s not WHERE you live but HOW you live that counts. It’s not where you play the game but HOW you play the game counts”

Mr. Haymore

Reflection: this is such an inspiring quote. I believe that this quote can teach many less fortunate people that no matter what you’re going through, you can always overcome it and accomplish something. For example, if you are a student in Malibu High, and a student in Huntington Park high, there is a huge difference of money environment. In Malibu the students there have more resources than we do, they have more money than we do, and they have facilities that will allow them to practice their sport. In HP high, we have our gym, our low paid wages of parents, and books that have been used more than a hundred times. However, we stand the same chance into going to a University as Malibu High does. We have to work with what we have. We can accomplish anything we want, only if we try.

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